Set I |
- Physics (PHYS) or Nutrition (NUTN)
- Chemistry (CHEM)or Geography (GEGR)
- Economics (ECON) or Anthropology (ANTH) or Science of Well Being (SOWB)
- Mathematics (MATH) or Agriculture(AGRI)
- Biological Science (BIOS)
- Statistics (STAT) or Phychology (PSYC)
- Computer Science (COMS) or Modern Computer Application (COMA) or Environmental Science[EVSC] or Health & Physical Education (HPED) or Visual Arts (VISA) or Music(MUSC)
- Cyber Security (CBST) or Artificial Intelligence & Data Science[AIDS] or Fisheries &
- One Vocational out of 13 subjects [(1) It & Ites (ITEV), (2) Automobile (ATMV), (3) Organised Retailing (ORTV), (4) Security (SEUV), (5) Health Care (HLCV),, (6) Electronics (ELTV), (7) Tourism & Hospitality (THLV), (8) Plumbing (PLBV), (9) Construction (CNSV), (10) Apparel (APLV), (11) Beauty & Wellness (BWLV), (12) Agriculture (AGLV) & (13) Power (POWV)] ,(14) Banking Financial Services & Insurance (BSIV) ,(15) Food Processing (FDPV), (16) Telecom (TELV) offered by Council which may be selected as optional elective subject only.
Set II |
- Accountancy (ACCT)
- Business Studies (BSTD)
- Commercial Law and Preliminaries of Auditing (CLPA) or Statistics (STAT)
- Costing and Taxation (CSTX)
- Economics (ECON) or Science of Well Being (SOWB) or Applied Artificial Intelligence (APAI)
- Modern Computer Application (COMA) or Environment Studies (ENVS) or Health & Physical Education (HPED) or Visual Arts (VISA) or Music(MUSC)
- Business Mathematics and Basic Statistics[BMBS]
- One Vocational out of 13 subjects [(1) It & Ites (ITEV), (2) Automobile (ATMV), (3) Organised Retailing (ORTV), (4) Security (SEUV), (5) Health Care (HLCV),, (6) Electronics (ELTV), (7) Tourism & Hospitality (THLV), (8) Plumbing (PLBV), (9) Construction (CNSV), (10) Apparel (APLV), (11) Beauty & Wellness (BWLV), (12) Agriculture (AGLV) & (13) Power (POWV)], (14) Banking Financial Services & Insurance (BSIV) ,(15) Food Processing (FDPV), (16) Telecom (TELV) offered by Council which may be selected as optional elective subject only.
Set III |
- Political Science (POLS) or Biological Science (BIOS)
- Education (EDCN) or Nutrition (NUTN)
- Journalism & Mass Communication (JMCN) or Sanskrit (SNSK) or Persian (PRSN) or Arabic (ARBC) or Agriculture (AGRI) or Basic Mathematics for Social Sciences[BMSS]
- Philosophy (PHIL)
- Economics (ECON) or Anthropology (ANTH) or Science of Well Being (SOWB) or Applied Artificial Intelligence (APAI)
- Sociology[SOCG] or Fisheries & Aquaculture[FSAQ]
- History (HIST) or Phychology (PSYC) or Statistics (STAT)
- Geography (GEGR) or Human Development & Resource Management (HDRM)
- Music (MUSC) or Visual Arts (VISA) or Health & Physical Education (HPED) or Modern Computer Application (COMA) or Environment Studies (ENVS)
- Business Mathematics and Basic Statistics[BMBS]
- One Vocational out of 13 subjects [(1) It & Ites (ITEV), (2) Automobile (ATMV), (3) Organised Retailing (ORTV), (4) Security (SEUV), (5) Health Care (HLCV),, (6) Electronics (ELTV), (7) Tourism & Hospitality (THLV), (8) Plumbing (PLBV), (9) Construction (CNSV), (10) Apparel (APLV), (11) Beauty & Wellness (BWLV), (12) Agriculture (AGLV) & (13) Power (POWV)], (14) Banking Financial Services & Insurance (BSIV) ,(15) Food Processing (FDPV), (16) Telecom (TELV) offered by Council which may be selected as optional elective subject only.